Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
Texas is one of just seven states that accounts for 54% of pedestrian fatalities nationwide. Fatality rates consistently above the national average have been the reasoning behind the FHWA designating Texas as a pedestrian Focus State. To address the 12-county region’s pedestrian fatality rates being consistently above the national average, the Council of Governments developed a Regional Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (PSAP). The Regional Transportation Council took action to endorse the PSAP on June 10, 2021.
The PSAP includes goals and policies that support the Regional Transportation Council’s safety position and adopted safety targets, and action items to address pedestrian safety issues. On February 14, 2019, the Regional Transportation Council took action to establish a Regional Safety Position, stating that:
"Even one death on the transportation system is unacceptable. Staff will work with our partners to develop projects, programs, and policies that assist in eliminating serious injuries and fatalities across all modes of travel."
The PSAP will complement the Council of Government’s transportation Mobility Plan (2045 Update), and enhance existing goals and policies with a more targeted focus on pedestrian safety. The PSAP also serves as a guide or template for our local partners to develop their own locally significant pedestrian safety action plans.
Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (2022 Update)
The first annual update of the PSAP occurred in 2022. The Update included an environmental justice analysis and an added section related to annual monitoring and outcomes. Minor edits were also made to Appendix B to remove duplicative tables and to add Environmental Justice information to the Safety Corridor and County maps. The 2022 Update was approved by the Surface Transportation Technical Committee on July 22, 2022, and the Regional Transportation Council on August 18, 2022.
PSAP Annual Implementation Summary Report 2022
Read the plan here:
Regional Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (PSAP) (2022 Update)
Appendix A: Reported Pedestrian Crash Density Using Square-Mile Grid Mapping
Appendix B: Primary and Secondary Pedestrian Safety Corridors (2022 Update)
Appendix C: Regional Analysis Supportive Data
Appendix D: Mobility 2045 Policies and Programs in Support of Pedestrian Safety
Appendix E: Online Engagement Results, Pedestrian Safety Public Survey
Appendix F: Project 0-6983: North Texas Bicycle and Pedestrian Crash Analysis (2020)
PSAP Pedestrian Safety Corridors and Pedestrian Crash Density Map
Click the map below to open. (Chrome or Edge browsers recommended)
Road Safety Audits
The FHWA provides resources for conducting Road Safety Audits (RSA), a formal safety performance examination of an existing or future road or intersection by an independent, multidisciplinary team.
Completed RSAs in the Region
Road Safety Audit, Vickery Meadow, Dallas (2015)
Road Safety Audit, Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Dallas (2021)
Road Safety Audit, Belknap St., Fort Worth (2022)
Road Safety Audit, W. Spring Valley Rd., Richardson (2022)
Road Safety Audit, Akard and Ervay Streets, Dallas (2023)
Vision Zero in the Region
City of Dallas - Vision Zero Dallas
City of Fort Worth - Vision Zero Fort Worth
Other Pedestrian Safety Resources
USDOT Pedestrian Safety Action Plan (2020)
Pedestrian Fatality Risk Map (Interactive Map)
FHWA's Workbook: FARS Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities, 2011 - 2017
Pedestrian and Bicycle Crash Analysis Tool version 3 (PBCAT 3) is available free of charge.
TxDOT Pedestrian Safety Action Plan Pages:
TxDOT Fort Worth District
TxDOT Dallas District
Staff contact: Catherine Richardson for Pedestrian Safety Action Plan information.